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Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Journey

We often encounter friends who are eager to delve deeper into holy places with historical significance or unique energy. For this reason, we are grateful to organize an event inviting all our friends to experience the magical energy flowing in these sacred locations. This spiritual journey includes:

  • Darma Yatra trip (Offering prayers at temples or places of worship).
  • Cleansing/Rituals at the Water Source provided by the Universe.
  • Night journeys to enhance sensitivity, heighten awareness, and build courage in recognizing various energies present in a location.
  • Night Meditation (specifically conducted at holy places or beaches, aiming to train focus, practice breathing, and discern universal messages through the sounds presented by the universe).
  • Exploring historical sites in the archipelago (visiting temples, kingdoms, and discovering ancient relics from bygone eras, among other things)